Saturday, 4 July 2015

Dianette review (co cyptindiol)

I took Dianette this year, for 2 months. For the first 2 weeks I took it alongside 500mg Erythromycin and then by itself for the rest of the 2 months. I was also using Epiduo on my skin every night. 

Before (top 3 pictures) and After (bottom 3 pictures)

-Dianette worked super fast, only in a few weeks most of my bumpy spots had flattened and there was much less new spots developing. The erythromycin helped a lot too.

-My face was less oily and makeup application was smoother and better looking

-Although my skin was showing improvement, I did get emotional and have small mood swings at times. It was not extreme but I did cry more often than usual- I don't cry often but I cried a few times in those 2 months.  

-My period stopped and fortunately I did not get any period pains or anything like that

-I think dianette helped me a lot at the beginning when my skin was going downhill seriously fast. 

-However, a major bad point was that I gained a bit of weight! D: I gained about 3-4kg which to some will sound very little but I am pretty petite and when I gain weight it shows well on my face- everywhere! 

-Ummm another point that could be good or bad- MY BOOBS GREW BIGGER (this could be the main contributor to the weight gain). I've always had a small chest but now my breasts are larger and firmer and heavier (lol?). 

As I started to feel concerned about my rapid weight gain and my boobs growing I decided to stop dianette. Plus just before stopping dianette I had started my accutane course so I was not worried about my acne not being under control. But I am always thankful towards my doctor who put me on it as it helped my confidence that was seriously nearly all gone!

Rating: 4/5

Thank you for reading! xx